Tips and Money Exchange

I Tassi Di Cambio Di Oggi Bugünün Döviz Kurları

Of course, the Egyptians who work in the tourist area are always grateful for the extra money. The wages are unfortunately built so that the tip is also expected. For small service they get 1 Euro or 1 Dollar, it is about  47-55 Egyptian pounds. For that means a tea in the “coffee shop” plus a small bottle of water or small breakfast with falafel and bread …. We need to say that tipping also works in normal life between locals … 20, 50, 100 Egyptian pounds.


As the tourists we always ask ourselves – what should we take with us, which currency is appreciated. Hotel staff is also used to small money, coins, although the bank or exchange office does not accept it. Therefore, they collect 5,10 or 20 Euro in coins and after that ask the tourists to change it for banknotes so they can get the money change. Do not be surprised if the housekeeper knocks on your rooms door with hand full of euro coins asking to change …


The prices in the restaurant or in the bar automatically include taxes. You can, however always give for good service extra tips (usual value of 10%) In tourist’s centres Euro Dollar or Sterling Pound are fully accepted Be aware that Scotland currency is not exchangeable

The small money for tipping (coins or banknotes) should be brought already from home because as already mentioned they are not available in the bank. The ATM give you of course only Egyptian currency – in 50,100 or 200 LE / 1 – 4 Euro 

When it goes around tipping some may think we booked all inclusive, we got what we paid  But a few Euro, which you offer out of the pocket will certainly make happy some local family waiting for their working dad anywhere in the small village 4 hours driving from  Again Hurghada and again if someone deserves it I give. If not I will not give And if you already give the tip, you can get back more than expected.

For the current exchange rate get information directly in the bank or at the ATM. Online you can calculate this on It does not matter if you change in the bank or at the ATM machine in the hote

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